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MSQ/Sustain at Climate Week NYC 2024: A Showcase of Client Initiatives Driving Global Change


Kirath Pahdi


17 Oct 2024


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Run by international non-profit Climate Group, Climate Week NYC takes place in New York City every year, serving and aimspurpose to actively promote climate action by appealing to business leaders, political change makers, local decision takers and civil society representatives. As the world faces growing pressure to make significant strides in combatting climate change, more organisations are stepping up to contribute meaningfully to these events. This year, MSQ/Sustain experienced its busiest Climate Week NYC yet, with five clients driving change towards a sustainable future.

Here’s a closer look at the incredible work MSQ/Sustain’s clients showcased during Climate Week NYC 2023.

‘___With Nature’

Client: Nature4Climate

Campaign: ___With Nature

Nature plays a critical role in addressing climate change, providing up to a third of the solutions climate mitigation we need to live a more sustainable future. However, the unprecedented rate of nature loss threatens both our climate and biodiversity. MSQ/Sustain has been working with Nature4Climate (N4C), a coalition of 25 global environmental organisations, for the past six years to ensure nature remains at the heart of climate conversations.

At Climate Week NYC, N4C launched its latest initiative, the ‘___With Nature’ campaign. This campaign calls on governments, businesses, and investors to recognise the integral role nature plays in regulating ecosystems and driving economic stability. With MSQ/Sustain’s help, the campaign was unveiled with a comprehensive brand strategy, an engaging campaign film, and powerful social assets. It’s becoming apparent there is no Net Zero without nature, and it’s time for all sectors to act accordingly.

Watch the video below

‘Reduce & Invest’ 

Client: Voluntary Carbon Market Coalition

The Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) has faced criticism in recent years, but MSQ/Sustain, along with a coalition of over 30 organisations in support of the VCM, is reestablishing its value. The newly launched ‘Reduce & Invest’ campaign calls for businesses to balance their carbon books, by equally reducing emissions and investing in carbon offsets through the VCM. MSQ/Sustain supported the coalition in crafting the campaign concept, branding, and social media assets, aiming to reinforce the legitimacy and importance of carbon offsetting - when paired with tangible emissions reductions.

The campaign was prominently featured in the Financial Times’ Climate Capital section throughout September and across was shared widely across LinkedIn, highlighting the needwith many joining the call for both reducing emissions and investing in climate solutions to achieve Net Zero goals. The message? ‘It’s better when it’s balanced’.

Northwest Passage Ocean Science Expedition

Client: Northwest Passage Ocean Science Expedition

As climate change intensifies, the Arctic is warming up to four times faster than the rest of the world, meaning we need to rapidly accelerate action on climate to preserve the world’s refridgerator. This summer, MSQ/Sustain supported the Northwest Passage Ocean Science Expedition, which set sail on 10th June to collect crucial data on climate change's impacts in this vital region of the planet. During Climate Week NYC, they unveiled the Climate Stripes Sail, representing global temperature increases from 1850 to 2023 - , with each red stripe warning of our warming world.

The sail serves as a reminder of the urgent need to preserve the Arctic’s role in regulating global temperatures. Expedition Leader, Keith Tuffley, joined an esteemed panel of ocean experts at The Explorers Club, who arealongsidemembers of the ‘Lofoten Hope Initiative’ community that was created in 2023 on another Arctic expedition with the Abel Tasman yacht. Keith was invited to speak about the Arctic Tipping Points and the data collection being conducted onboard during the NW Passage expedition. Dr. Sylvia Earle and Professor Johan Rockström joined Keith, via video call from Alaska, to discuss the latest science on Planetary Boundaries, Tipping Points, and how this special expedition is observing these changes in real time.

Tropical Forest Alliance

Client: Tropical Forest Alliance

Campaign: LinkedIn

The Tropical Forest Alliance (TFA), a World Economic Forum initiative, is a coalition of businesses and organisations working on forest-positive Collective Action for promoting deforestation-free supply chains, particularly in the Brazilian cattle and agricultural sectors across commodities such as palm oil, cattle, and more. TFA was heavily involved at Climate Week NYC, co-hosting and speaking at various events highlighting Brazil’s transition to low-carbon agriculture. These included:

  • TFA’s Director, Danielle Carreria,Jack Hurd and Head of Finance Sector Engagement, Danielle Carreira  spokeeaking at the opening plenary of the Nature Hub. andJack moderateding a session on ‘Financing Brazil’s Agriculture Transition’ and Danielle moderated a panel that included new IFACC signatory Itau BBA..
  • TFA co-hosted the ‘Tackling deforestation and transforming cattle production in Brazil’ event with Nature Conservancy and IDH. The Governor of Para state, Helder Barbalho, spoke about their new traceability initiative for cattle in Para.
  • An event co-hosted by TFA surrounding ‘The Sustainable Landscapes Partnership: Driving collective action in Brazil’s Cerrado’, with The Consumer Good Forum’s Forest Positive Coalition and WBCSE’s Soft Commodities Forum. The event welcomed over 70 mega industry leaders to a panel exploring how landscape approaches in the Brazilian Cerrado agricultural landscape can address deforestation and conversion in the region.
  • Director Danielle CarreriaJack Hurd gave closing remarks at ‘SDIM Sustainable Finance for Land, Food and Forests’.
  • TFA’s Jack Hurd also moderated the ‘How Sovereign Funds can Finance Tropical Forest Protection’ panel at the ‘Mobilizing Funds and Financial Instruments of the Green Economy’ event, which featured representatives from the Brazilian Ministry of Finance, AXA Investment Managers, and the IFSWF. 

MSQ/Sustain supported TFA’s efforts with social media assets and event communications. One of the key takeaways from TFA’s sessions was the critical role that deforestation-free commodities and nature-based solutions play in achieving sustainable agricultural practices. TFA’s collaborative approach understands the need to shift priorities to unlock the next phase of growth in Brazil and beyond.


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